Configure New Agreement Assistant


This activity is used to create an assistant scheme that can be later used in the New Agreement Assistant. The purpose of the scheme is to automatically fill in some field values, parameters, and enforce some assistant steps, greatly shortening time it takes to create new agreements. Not all steps listed in this activity have to be followed. Skipping them only means that less field values will be suggested when the scheme is used in the assistant.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, an assistant scheme will be created, enabling the use of the New Agreement Assistant window.


Agreement Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Agreement Configuration


  1. Open the Agreement Configuration window.
  2. In the Scheme ID field, enter the unique used by the assistant to load scheme parameters.
  3. In the Scheme Name field, enter the name for the scheme.
  4. If you want the scheme to be suggested by default each time the assistant is used, select the Default check box.
  5. In the Parameter ID field, enter the parameter which will store the total amount offered to the employee in the agreement.
  6. In the Generation Frequency field, select how often a parameter with a portion of the total agreement amount will be generated (this will be, e.g., a monthly/weekly payment transferred to employee's payroll).
    Following values are available:
  7. In the Number of Generated Periods field, enter the number of installments into which the total amount should be divided and generated. Each installment will be a single parameter, generated with a frequency set in step 10.
  8. In the Parameter Generated on field, select when the parameter with a portion of the total agreement amount will be generated.
    Following values are available:
  9. In the Agreement Description field, you can enter an additional description of the agreement.
  10. In the Agreement Subject field, enter a detailed description of the agreement.
  11. In the Required Steps area, select mandatory steps for the assistant:
  12. In the Parameters tab, you can enter agreement parameters which will be suggested by default when the scheme is selected:
  13. Save your changes.