Define Manufacturing Import Parameter


This activity is used to define import parameters for the manufacturing data document. The parameter definition serves to determine how the calculation of imported data should occur and how the information should be displayed.


In order to perform this activity, a manufacturing data import document is required to be registered in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Manufacturing Import

Related Window Descriptions

Manufacturing Import


  1. Open the Manufacturing Import window and find a document for which you want to define parameters.
  2. In the Definition tab, create a new record in order to start defining a parameter.
  3. Select an ID for the parameter in the Parameter Id field. You can also use the list of values.
  4. In the Wage Class field, specify a wage class for the parameter.
  5. Select a wage code in the Wage Code field.
  6. Select the Accumulated check box if the imported value is required to display as a lump sum.
  7. Select the Accounting String check box if a pre-posting definition of a manufacturing work order needs to be imported.
  8. Save the information.