Define Additional Liability Parameters
This activity is used to define additional parameters relating to a liability
registered to an employee. The parameters can be payments and charges of various
sort which accompany the liability and are part of it, such as bailiff
commission, transaction and legal fees.
In order to perform this activity, a liability is required to be registered
to an employee.
System Effects
There are no system effects.
Additional Parameters
Loans and
Related Window Descriptions
Liability Additional
Loans and
- Open the Loans and Contributions window and find
an employee with a registered liability..
- Go to the Liability tab and select a liability for which
you want to define additional parameters.
- Right-click and click the Liability Parameters option in order
to start defining parameters.
- Create a new record and specify an id of parameter in the
Parameter Id field. You can also use the list of values.
- Specify an amount or percent for the parameter in the Amount or
Percent field.
- In the Remarks field, enter any relevant information.
- Save the information.