Define Institution Preaccounting Definition


This activity is used to define pre-accounting settings for a finance or legal institution responsible for collecting deductions. Defining the pre-posting settings serves mainly accounting purposes and shows the distribution of deductions among booking items.


In order to perform this activity, an institution header is required to be registered in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Institution window and find an institution header for which you want to define pre-accounting settings.
  2. Go to the Preposting tab and select a type of deduction - Contribution, Loan or Liability - for which you want to make a pre-accounting definition.
  3. Enter appropriate values for posting purposes in the Account, Cost Cent, Kod C, Project Activity Id and Code D - J fields. You can use the list of values.
  4. Save the information.