Generate Installment Plan


This activity is used to generate a plan of installments for a loan registered to an employee. Generating the installment plan is the first step for the activation of loan repayment.


In order to perform this activity, a loan is required to be registered for an employee.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Employee Loans and Contributions

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Loans and Contributions


  1. Open the Employee Loans and Contributions window and find an employee for whom you want to generate an installment plan.
  2. Go to the Loans tab and find the loan which needs installment plan generation.
  3. Right-click and click the Generate Installment Plan option. In the Installment Type field, select a type of installment.
  4. Specify a type of interval in the Interval Type field.
  5. Select a value for the interval in the Interval Value field. In the Installments Specification section, specify a number of installments or an amount to be paid, interest period and interest rate.
  6. Set a start date for the loan and specify a grace period, if applicable.
  7. Click OK in order to generate the installment plan.