Suspend Contribution


This activity is used to suspend a contribution payment for an employee over a specified time period.


In order to perform this activity, a contribution is required to be registered to employee and be in the Active state.

System Effects

There are no


Loans and Contributions

Related Window Descriptions

Loans and Contributions


  1. Open the Loans and Contributions window and find an employee for whom you want to suspend the contribution payment.
  2. Go to the Contributions tab and select a contribution for suspension.
  3. Right-click and click the Suspend option in order to start suspending the payment immediately.
  4. If the suspension is needed for a longer and specified time period, right-click and click the Contribution Details option and go to the Suspension tab.
  5. In the tab, create a new record in order to start defining suspension.
  6. Specify a time frame in the Date From and Date To fields.
  7. Select a sort of suspension in the Suspension Type field. The options are as follows: Break - no dues will be created and Suspension - dues will be generated.
  8. Save the information.