Manufacturing Import

[Employee Data Registration]


Use this window to review and add the variable data import definition or perform the time transactions import from Shop Orders (Manufacturing) in a selected period. The import definition procedure requires you to define a time reporting Wage Code for variable Parameter ID mapping, and to define a variable document header information. There can be several documents defined for the same data mapping.
Re-using import definitions is particularly useful in case of recurring Shop Order imports performed according to the same method.

There are several options available from the window header right-click menu, responsible for the control of changes in the import definition or definition copying.
If necessary, right-click the header and click Close or Reopen in order to disable or re-enable the ability to modify the import definition.
For description of definition copying assistant available through a right-click menu, follow the appropriate link: Copy Definition from… .

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Definition , Document , History , Log.

Activity Diagrams

Manufacturing Data Import


For a description of each of the activities, follow the appropriate activity diagrams.