Project Import/Document

[Project Data Import]


Use this tab to register, modify or review the Project import documents for the selected import definition or to run the import.

The tab consists of three blocks containing grouped import settings.
The first block labeled Document presents document number, name and the parameter derivation date, referring to the corresponding fields on the Registration of Variable Data window. There are also two read only fields for the import document definition date and it's state.
The second block labeled Select Employees allows to choose one of three available employee selection methods: all employees, one selected employee or employee selection template. Two last options, if chosen, allow to use the dedicated List of Values.
The third block labeled Import Parameters presents imported period dates and the drop-down list of the import duplicate handling option.

If necessary, right-click anywhere on the tab for menu invoking and click Import to initiate the physical import.

Activity Diagrams

Project Data Import


For the description of each Activity, follow the Activity Diagrams.