Copy Preposting to Endorsee

[Employee Deductions Registration] [Deductions Follow-up Processes]


Use this assistant to copy preposting or a posting definition (up to RMB option selected) from the selected endorsed loan type to all endorsing loan types defined for that type of loan .

The assistant copies the definition for a new validation period starting from the entered date. Overwriting existing prepostings / postings is done only if the appropriate checkbox is selected (the checkbox is unselected by default).

You can reach the assistant only from the Deduction Parameters/Loan Parameters window/tab under the Loan Type Booking/Copy Preposting to Endorsee Type... and the Loan Type Booking/Posting Type To Endorsee Type... RMB menu options.

Activity Diagrams

Deduction Basic Data Definition


Define Endorsed Loan Types
Register Endorsees
Move To Endorsee