Employee Loan/Endorsees

[Employee Deductions Registration], [Other Employee Data Registration]


Use this assistant to register endorsement for a selected employee loan.

The dialog window presents read-only basic loan information (loan and payment start dates, protected earnings and the loan description) and two tables for endorsee and installment selection.

Endorsee table allows you to set a percentage of endorsement for each selected endorsee. There are also several information fields available (two reference text fields and the related institution selector). Endorsees can be entered manually or selected from the list of values.

The bottom table presents the list of unpaid installments with the check box based record selector.
The Inverse button allows you to inverse the installment selection for all endorsees shown in the upper table.

You can reach this assistant only from: Employee Loan/Installments, Loans and Contributions/Loans or Employee Payroll Information/Loans and Loans per Loan Type/Employee Loans windows/tabs.

Activity Diagrams

Employee Loan Deduction and Modification


For a description of each activity, follow activity diagrams.