Loan Installment Preposting Definition

[Employee Deductions Registration], [Deductions Follow-up Processes]


Use this window to register, modify, or review a preposting definition for a selected loan's installment.

The header part of the window presents read-only information fetched form the selected loan record.

The loan posting event can be selected from the List of Values available in the form of a predefined drop-down list.
Accounting code string elements and the posting type linked to the accounting transaction can be selected from the List of Values, respectively. If necessary, right-click on the selected row and click Copy Preposting... to open the Copy Preaccounting assistant.

You can reach this window only from Payment Postings/Installments and Employee Loan/Installments windows/tabs.

Activity Diagrams

Deduction Accounting


For a description of each activity, follow activity diagrams.