Use this window to register, modify, or review loan payment dispositions.
Both bank transfers and cash payments can be processed using this window.
The header part of the window presents read-only information from the selected records in Loans and Contributions/Loans or Employee Payroll Information/Loans windows/tabs.
The detail part of the window presents the payment sequence number, payment form, loan amount to be paid with the optional currency code, bank ID and name, optional bank country code, target account number, description and address ID, BRE Bank and Multicash transfer method additional information fields, cash desk ID and name.
If necessary, right-click on the selected row for menu invoking and click Load Default Payroll Account(s) to fetch default bank transfer information defined for the employee related to the loan selected.
You can reach this window only from:
Employee Loan Registration and Payment
Loan Payment Transfer Generation
For a description of each activity, follow activity diagrams.