Loan Installment Details
Use this tab to register, modify, or review payment information for loan installments
registered for the employee.
The header part of the window presents a read-only set of basic information
about an employee loan and
If necessary, right-click for the following options:
- Approve to approve a selected payment entry,
- Unapprove to change the status of a selected payment to Ready,
- Define Preposting... to open the
Loan Installment Details Preposting
Definition window,
- Create Postings... to run the
Postings Generation Date
- View Postings... to open the
Installment Details Postings
- Remove Postings... to remove all postings created for a selected installment
- Book Repayment... to book whole selected installment payment.
You can reach this window only from Employee
Loan/Installments and
Deduction Details/Loan Details windows/tabs.
Activity Diagrams
Employee Loan Deduction and Modification
For a description of each activity, follow activity diagrams.