Use this tab to define, modify or review posting types used when creating posting transactions for various loan related events.
The header part of the window presents read-only information fetched from the selected loan type.
The detail part of the window presents a sequence number, loan posting event, posting type for debit, optional
debit event description, posting type for credit, optional credit event description and entry validation period start
and end dates.
Debit and credit posting types can be chosen from the List of Values.
Loan posting event can be selected from the predefined List of Values available in the form of
a drop-down list containing the following loan posting events:
You can reach the window only from the Deduction Parameters/Loan Parameters window/tab under the Loan Type Booking/Posting Type... RMB menu option.
Deduction Basic Data Definition
Define Prepostings for Loan Payment
Create Postings for Loan Payment
Loan Payment
Book Loan
Define Prepostings for Loan Repayment
Create Postings for Loan Repayment
Loan Repayment