Loans and Contributions

[Employee Deductions Registration] [Deductions Follow-up Processes] [Other Employee Data Registration]


Use this window to review and add loans, contributions, and liabilities data for a selected employee. Information of the selected employee is displayed in the window header.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Loans , Contributions , Liability , Loan Manual Payment .

Activity Diagrams

Employee Loan Registration and Payment
Employee Loan Registration and Payment
Loan Installments Registration / Regeneration
Employee Loan Deduction and Modification
Employee Contributions Registration
Employee Contribution Deduction and Modification
Employee Liabilities Registration
Loan Payment Transfer Generation
Deduction Accounting
Deduction Transfer Generation


Define Optional Contribution Parameters
Define Optional Loan Parameters
Define Deductions Payment Parameters
Define Additional Loan Parameters
Define Additional Contribution Parameters
Define Additional Liability Parameters
Define Prepostings for Loan Repayment
Define Prepostings for Contribution
Define Prepostings for Liability
Register Loan
Define Loan Payment
Activate Loan
Register Endorsees
Move To Endorsee
Suspend Loan
Re-activate Loan
Cease Loan
Register Contribution Payment
Activate Contribution
Register Liability