Loans per Loan Type/Employee Loans

[Employee Deductions Registration], [Deductions Follow-up Processes], [Other Employee Data Registration]


Use this tab to review loans registered for a selected loan type.

The header part of the tab allows you to switch the view of registered loans. All registered loan entries or loans with the required status which are valid on a given day can be displayed according to the selected option.

The detail part of the tab presents the employee number and name, loan sequence number and description, loan registration and payment start dates, loan amount and current balance (both general and on a selected date), endorsee's employee number, endorsee's current balance, the endorsed loan type and ID, loan entry status, two text-based reference fields, transfer name and related institution information.

If necessary, right-click for the following options:

Activity Diagrams

Employee Loan Registration and Payment
Loan Installments Registration / Regeneration
Employee Loan Deduction and Modification


Register Loan
Define Loan Payment
Generate Installment Plan
Activate Loan
Define Additional Loan Parameters
Register Cash Re-payment
Register Endorsees
Move To Endorsee
Suspend Loan
Re-activate Loan
Cease Loan