Payment Postings/Installments

[Employee Deductions Registration] [Deductions Follow-up Processes]


Use this window to register, modify, or review information on postings for loan installments.

The table presents a loan type ID, employee number, employee loan sequence number, loan description, installment ID, planned installment repayment date, installment amount, interest rate and interest amount, voucher type and number, installment state and two checkboxes indicating postings generated for installment and postings created on detail level.
The information presented on this tab is read-only.

It is possible to process the pre-accounting information using actions available through the on-row RMB menu.
If necessary, right-click on the selected row for menu invoking and click:

Activity Diagrams

Deduction Accounting
Query Deduction Data


Define Prepostings for Loan Payment
Create Postings for Loan Payment
Book Loan Payment
Define Prepostings for Loan Repayment
Create Postings for Loan Repayment
Book Loan Repayment