Loans and Contributions/Loans
Employee Payroll Information/Loans

[Employee Deductions Registration], [Deductions Follow-up Processes], [Other Employee Data Registration]


Use this tab to register, modify, or review loans registered for the employee.

The header part of the tab allows you to switch the view of registered loan records. All registered records, or records with the required status on a given date, can be displayed according to the selected option.

If necessary, right-click a row for the following options:

Activity Diagrams

Employee Loan Registration and Payment
Loan Installments Registration / Regeneration
Employee Loan Deduction and Modification
Loan Payment Transfer Generation
Deduction Accounting
Deduction Transfer Generation


Register Loan
Define Loan Payment
Activate Loan
Define Additional Loan Parameters
Suspend Loan
Re-activate Loan
Cease Loan
Define Prepostings for Loan Payment
Create Postings for Loan Payment
Book Loan Payment
Book Loan Cease
Define Prepostings for Loan Repayment
Create Postings for Loan Repayment
Book Loan Repayment
Overview Loan Payment