Template Properties/Line

BDR for:
[Payroll Reporting


Use this tab to inspect properties of each block line. Every line has its own set of properties. Lines from multiple blocks are visible at once. Contents of this tab are unlocked when a document line is created on the Document Block tab.

Following properties are available:

Delete If Send - After the export has been closed and its state changed to Sent, all lines marked with this property will be deleted. It allows storage of relevant data only.

Editable - After the export has been generated, all lines marked with this property will be editable. If this property is set to No, it will be impossible to modify the line.

Export - All lines marked with this property will be exported to the external export file. If set to No, the lines will be omitted.

Export If Null - If set to No, a line will not be included in the external export file if its value is null. If the property is set to Yes, they will be exported with a null value.

List of Values - If set to Yes, it will be possible to add a list of values for the line. A list of values can be defined in the Document Basic Data window, on the Document Templates/Document Block tab, by right-clicking a line and clicking List of Values.

Mandatory - If set to Yes and there is no value for the line, the export will be stopped and an error message will appear. If set to No, the line will be optional and export will be performed regardless of its value.

Visible - If set to No, the line will not be visible in the document details on Employee Document Registration and Company Document Registration windows. Can be used, e.g., to hide technical parameters from the end user. If set to Yes, the line will be visible.

Xml Line - If set to Yes, it creates a tag for contents of the line. The tag is defined in the Document Templates window, on the Document Templates/Document Block tab, in the Xml Tag field. If set to No, tag will not be created.
Note: This property is valid only if document's way of export is set to Xml.

Activity Diagrams

Defined Document Definition


Define Line Properties