PIT Generation

[Market Specific Processes]


Use this assistant to generate Polish PIT-11/8B tax declarations.
Declaration generation can be performed for the single year and for one or several persons at one time.

The dialog window presents read-only tax declaration type (PIT-11/8B in this case), declaration year (editable, current year by default), document registration date (editable, current day by default), optional expiriation date, optional stamp id (List of Values enabled), employee selection block and two selection flags: for using the wage code files for amount and period selection and for generating corrections to already existing declarations.
The employee selection block allows to select one of three selection methods available: single employee, multiemployee using employee selection templates or employees without closed PIT-12 declaration for the year selected.
Employees and employee selection templates can be chosen from appropriate List of Values.

You can reach this assistant only from Tax Declaration/PIT-11 window/tab under the Document Generate RMB menu option.

Activity Diagrams

Tax Declaration Ordering


For the description of each Activity, follow the Activity Diagrams.