Calculate, Recalculate and Get Parameters and Calculate

[Payroll Calculation]


Use this dialog to execute any of the three available calculation procedures.

If you use the Calculate option, the calculation is done for all employees with Got Parameters status.
If you use the Recalculate option, existing calculations and parameters are removed. Then parameters are fetched again and the whole procedure ends with the wage codes calculation.
If you use the Get Parameters and Calculate option, parameters are fetched and the calculation is done.

Each of the calculation procedures can be done for all employees defined for the payroll and for employees manually selected using the list of values or for those employees for whom parameters have not been fetched yet. Each calculation can be done as a background job if the appropriate check box is selected.

You can access this dialog only from the Payroll List window. This option is available only for payrolls with Definition (Get Parameters and Calculate option only), Got parameters, Partially Calculated and Calculated (Recalculate option only) status.

Activity Diagrams

Fetching Employee Parameters
Wage Code Calculation
Employee Parameters Removal
Wage Code Calculation Removal


Calculate Payroll
Recalculate Payroll
Get Employee Parameters
Cancel Employee Parameters