Payroll Calculation Details

[Payroll Calculation]


Use this window to review details of the payroll calculations for selected payroll. There are several options available from the window to control the payroll calculation process. You can also change status or open other payroll related windows using these options.

For description of the calculation process assistant available if you select a header right-click option, follow the appropriate link: Get Parameters , Calculate , Cancel Parameters , Cancel Calculation , Get Parameters and Calculate , Recalculate , Close Payroll , Postings , Book Payroll , Reopen Payroll .

For description of postings generated which are available if you select a header right-click option, follow the View Postings link.

If necessary, right-click and click Cancel Postings to cancel created payroll postings or click Cancel Payroll to cancel a current payroll.

Parameters fetched, calculated wage codes, payroll employees and payment dispositions can be reviewed on dedicated tabs.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Parameters, Wage Codes, Employees, and Employees Details.

You can reach this window only from Payroll window header.

Activity Diagrams

Payroll Definition
Fetching Employee Parameters
Wage Code Calculation
Employee Parameters Removal
Payroll Closing
Wage Code Calculation Removal
Payroll Reopening
Payroll Booking


Activity descriptions are available through activity objects in the Activity Diagrams.