Payment Report Details/Employees
Use this tab to view report details divided into entries for separate
employees. If there is a problem with report generation, you can see which
employees are causing errors and what is the nature of the problem. Limited
modification of a report is possible through the following right-click actions:
- Execute Report - creates a report output file for selected
- Print - prints the report for selected employees.
- Set Employee Mail - updates the report with employee's email
address (if available). The missing address has to be entered in the
Employee window first. This right-click action allows to add missing
data without the need to generate a new report data set.
- Select Employee - manually adds selected employees to report
generation. This changes the Selection field to Manual so that
it is visible that the employee is selected manually.
- Deselect Employee - manually excludes employees from report
generation. This changes the Selection field to Not Selected
so that it is visible which employees will not be included in the report
Activity Diagrams
Payroll Report Generation
Inspect and
Payroll Report