Data Transfer/Transfer Definition
Use this tab to define, modify or review data classes to be archived during the transfer performed.
The table presents the class definition only.
Data classes can be selected from the predefined List of Values presented in the form of the drop-down list.
Following data can be archived:
- Payroll headers, if PayList class selected,
- Variable documents' headers, if RegDoc class selected,
- Variable, social fund, non-personal fund parameters from files, if ParamArchive class selected,
- Wage code from files, if WCArchive class selected,
- Variable document parameters' divisions if DivisionParam class selected,
- Payroll based wage codes' values if PayListWCValue class selected,
- Payroll based variable parameters' values if PayListParamValue class selected.
Activity Diagrams
Payroll Data Archiving
For a description of each activity, follow activity diagrams.