Specify Date Related Period Data


This activity is used to define further information on various effective dates for completing payroll periods set-up. The definition of dates is important in determining precise time frames for payroll, including the time of pay-out and accounting details. 


In order to perform this activity, both the Year and the Period Type are required to be specified in the wizard.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Payroll Period

Related Window Descriptions

Payroll Period


  1. In the second window of the Add Payroll Periods Wizard, specify a starting date for periods in the Start Date field.
  2. Select a number of payroll periods in the Number of Periods field. The selected number of periods should depend on the adopted accounting rules.
  3. In the Shift for accounting period field, specify an accounting period for the payroll. Note that it may be different than the payroll period.
  4. In the Shift for tax period field, define a tax period for the payroll. Note that it may be different than the payroll period.
  5. Select a day for pay in the Shift for pay day field. Note that it is not the pay out day, but the expected date of pay only. Use the value of - to move days backward and + to move days forward.
  6. Click the Finish button in order to add the complete payroll period to the system.