Define Conditionals


This activity is used to define conditions which can control the generation of a defined document. Defining those conditions is useful when some details are prerequisites for the document generation. Also, in case the condition is not met, or if the requested and sought information does not exist, the document is not created.


In order to perform this activity, a document template with blocks and lines is required to be registered in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Document Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Document Basic Data


  1. Open the Document Basic Data window and find a document in which conditions for the document generation needs defining.
  2. Go to the Conditional Functions tab and create a new record in order to start defining conditions.
  3. In the Seq No field, enter a sequence number for the condition.
  4. Specify an id of conditional function in the Function Id field. Alternatively, you can use the list of values.
  5. If applicable, enter parameters for the selected function in the Parameters field.
  6. Save the information.