Generate and Close Document Export


This activity is used to automatically generate and close a document export. A document export consists of defined documents that are loaded for a selected group of employees. Depending on their configuration, documents can gather data and perform calculations relevant for selected employees. The result is then exported to a single external file. This file can be used be to prepare reports, letters, mail and more. Form and contents of an export depend on the document template used.

A closed export will be change its to Sent. Afterwards, it will be possible only to inspect the documents used in the export and display data generated by them.


In order to perform this activity:

Optional requirements dependent on user choices:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a document export will be generated and closed, preventing any changes to the export.


Document Export Document Export Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Document Export, Document Export Assistant,


  1. Open the Document Export window.
  2. In the header, search or populate to find the relevant document category.
  3. On the File Name tab, select the relevant Document Template ID in the Template ID field.
  4. In the File Name field, enter the local directory where the export file will be saved. You can enter the directory manually or click Browse and navigate to the target location.
  5. In the Doc Template File field, you can enter the location of a template file. Template files can read information from the export file and create relevant documents from it.
    Note: This option will work only if the template selected in step 3 supports it. You can read more about template creation here.
  6. Right-click on the tab header and click Generate Documents. The Document Export Assistant will appear.
    Note: If you are generating an export for a company, skip to step 9.
  7. In the Select employees from area, select employees for whom the documents will be generated.
  8. If you selected a large number of employees, the operation might take a while. You can select the Background Job check box to keep the window functional while documents are generated in the background.
    Note: A notification (e.g.,pop-up, e-mail, SMS) can be sent when the job is done. This can be set up in the Events window (via the event ID: BACKGROUND_JOB_IS_PROCESSED).
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Document Date field, you can change the date which will be assigned to the exported documents. Your current system date is suggested by default.
  11. In the Doc No field, you can change the suggested name of the export.
  12. In the Stamp ID field, you can enter an ID of a stamp that will alter every generated document with an information on who authorized it.
  13. Select the Finish all documents check box and click Next.
  14. In the Description field, you can change the default description of the export.
  15. In the Creation Date field, you can change the date of the export. By default it is the system date.
  16. Select the Send all documents check box. This will close the export and its documents once the export file has been created.
  17. Click Finish to perform the export and close the assistant.