Parameterize Selected Tax Declaration


This activity is used to set parameters for a particular type of tax declaration valid in a given tax year. The parameters define the type of information displayed in tax declaration fields and indicates the exact sources of data in the system.


In order to perform this activity, default tax configuration entries are required to be downloaded using the Get Default right-click option.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Tax Declaration Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Tax Declaration Configuration


  1. Open the Tax Declaration Configuration window and populate.
  2. In the list, select a year and a tax declaration for which you want set parameters.
  3. In the list, select the tax declaration field for setting parameters and go to the Config Details tab.
  4. Select a type of configuration in the Configuration Type field. Note that the selection type depends on the part of the system storing the requested information.
  5. In the Id field, specify the id of the parameter which should be inserted into the tax declaration field. You can also use the list of values.
  6. In the Description field, enter any relevant information regarding the use of the parameter in the tax declaration.
  7. Save the information.