Copy Wage Code Files to Cumulative Wage Code Files


This activity is used to copy values of wage codes between various time periods for employees. Copying wage code files can be specially useful if employees do not have changes in respect to their employment type, remuneration, benefits or deductions. 


In order to perform this activity, archived wage code files are required to be present in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Cumulative Wage Code

Related Window Descriptions

Cumulative Wage Code


  1. Open the Cumulative Wage Code window .
  2. Search or Populate button find the required data.
  3. Select a record which you want to copy, right-click and click Cumulative WC Copy in order to start the copy.
  4. In the Cumulative Wage Code Copy window, specify an employee or a group of employees for whom you want to copy the wage code. You can use the list of values.
  5. Indicate the source of copy in the Copy from section.
  6. Select a base year and a destination year for copying values in the Year section.
  7. In the WC Id field, specify an id for the copied wage code. You an also use the list of values.
  8. If the process of wage code copying should influence the current employee wage code value balance, select the Update Open Wage Code check box.
  9. If any errors occur during the copying and should be reported, select the Report Error check box.
  10. Click OK.