Define Payroll Transfer


This activity is used to define settings for the transfer of payroll data. Setting precise details for the transfer is required for payment-related operations to be effective. 


In order to perform this activity, a payroll payment is required to be registered in the system.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Payroll Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Payroll Payment


  1. Open the Payroll Payment window and find a payroll payment for which you want to define transfer settings
  2. Go to the Payment Transfer tab and create a new record in order to define a transfer.
  3. In the Transfer Id field, specify a unique id for the transfer.
  4. Select a destination bank in the Bank Id field. You can use the list of values.
  5. In the Account Number field, enter a bank account number. Alternatively, you can use the value list.
  6. Select a type of transfer in the Transfer Type field. If the type is Manual, the outcome is a payment transfer print-out. If the type is File, a payment transfer file will be created.
  7. Save the information.