Define Pre-postings for Payroll
This activity is used to define additional and optional pre-postings for some
payroll elements such as bonuses, rewards, etc.
In order to perform this activity, a payroll with
Closed status is required to be in the system.
System Effects
There are no system effects.
Related Window Descriptions
- Open the Payroll window and find a payroll for which you
want to define pre-postings.
- Go to the Pre-posting tab and create a new record in order to
start the pre-posting definition.
- In the Code Part field, specify which part of the accounting
you want to define. You can use the list of values.
- Enter a value for this code part in the Code Part Value field.
- Enter an id of the project activity with which the value and coding are
connected in the Project Activity Id field.
- Save the information.