Freeze Cumulative Wage Code File


This activity is used to to freeze cumulative wage codes for employees using the wage code freezing assistant. Freezing cumulative wage codes isolates wage code values from a certain time period so that they are not summed with others and can be used separately for calculations and reporting.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

Employee wage codes are transferred to archive.


Wage Code Freezing Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Wage Code Freezing Assistant


  1. Open the Wage Code Freezing Assistant window.
  2. In the Employee No field, specify an id of the employee for whom you want to freeze wage codes. Alternatively, you can use the list of values.
  3. Specify an id of the wage code or id of a wage code template in the WC Id and WC Template ID fields.
  4. Select a type of wage code and payroll period and click Next.
  5. In the Freezing Cumulative WC Wizard window, check periods of time which should undergo the freeze and click Next.