Inspect and Generate Payroll Report


This activity is used to inspect payroll reports for possible errors or missing data.

Depending on the selected report template, different information can be required to generate a report. If it is impossible to generate a complete report for every employee, the status of the report definition will change to Generated with Errors. You have an option to inspect what data are missing or incorrectly entered.

It is much easier to inspect the data after the generation attempt, as all possible errors will be visible in the State column.


In order to perform this activity, an report data have to be loaded from a report template template.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, errors in the report should be corrected.


Payment Report

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Report, Payment Report Details


  1. Open the Payroll Payment window.
  2. Search or populate to find the relevant payment.
  3. Navigate to the Report Definition tab.
  4. Right-click the relevant report and click Details. The Payment Report Details window will open.
  5. Review the data:
  6. After corrections are done, you have two options:
  7. Inspect if there are any errors in the State field.