Transfer Employee Payroll Data
This activity is used to transfer payroll data of selected employees between
different companies. The payroll data transfer is particularly useful if an
employee is moved from one company to another and consequently all of the
employee's payroll information also needs to be moved to the new company.
In order to perform this activity, all employee payroll data is required to
be complete and an identical payroll setup is required in the destination
System Effects
- Employee payroll data is transferred from one company to another.
- In the previous company, the employee payroll data and all related
parameters are closed.
- In the new company, all employee payroll data and related parameters are
Transfer Assistant
Related Window Descriptions
Transfer Assistant
- Open the Employee Transfer Assistant window.
- In the Transfer Description field, enter a name for the payroll
data transfer.
- Verify the date for the transfer in the Transfer Date field.
- In the Const Param Close Date field, verify the date for closure
of constant parameters for the employee in the current company.
- Select the company to which the employee will be moved in the
Destination Company field.
- Select employees who will be transferred. You can select an entire
employee group by clicking Template and selecting the desired group
from the Employee Template field. You can use the list of values. You
can also enter employees manually by clicking Manual.
- Select Verify for possible errors before transfer if you want the
assistant to check for possible errors before doing the transfer.
- Click Next.
- Review the list of employees who will be transferred.
- If you want to add more employees to the transfer list, you can do so
manually. In order to do so, create a new record and specify the ID of an
employee you want transferred in the Employee No field. You can use
the list of values.
- Click Next.
- Verify the list of employees you transferred for any potential errors.
- Click Finish.