Client Tier

The Client tier considerations directs you to the issues you need to consider when planning the client tier installations.


Web Client Considerations

Generally speaking the IFS Applications web/portal client is a pure DHTML client that only relies on HTML and JavaScript in the browser, so no particular considerations apply. However there are a couple of components in IFS Applications that do have further requirements on the browser. For specifics on this see the IFS Applications Technical Configuration Guide

IFS Enterprise Explorer Considerations

Changing the settings

There are some settings that can be changed that will alter the behavior of all IFS Enterprise Explorer clients. All the settings have a default value that should work for most installations, but there some installation will require some parameter changes due to network architecture, security considerations or other reasons. The parameters are set by creating a file named Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings in the runtime directory. For your convenience a file named Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings_sample is already present there. That file contains commented definitions of all the parameters with their default values. Would you wish to change a parameter, copy or rename the sample file to one without the "_sample" extension, uncomment the desired parameters and change the value. If you are running a ClickOnce installation, the files must be re-signed using F1Mage before the changes will take effect.

Note: There is no need to create a Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings file unless you want to change a value of a setting.

List of settings

Here is a list of all the settings that can be changed. For the most up-to-date list please check the Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings_sample file.

Setting name Default value Explanation Additional Info
errorLogging false Writes (appends) exceptions to a log file : Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.exe_error_log For debug use only
defaultFetchSize 103 Number of records fetched in per chunk when populating/searching in a window  
disableRememberPassword false Decides whether the functionality to remember password between sessions should be enabled Can be turned on for added security
disableRememberUser false Decides whether the last user name should be remembered between sessions Can be turned on for added security
dedicatedDatabaseSession true Decides whether a persistent connection with the extended server needs to be maintained
when using Application forms
Do not change this setting for EE installations
AllowGZipForInvoke true Tells the server, whether the client accepts GZipped responses  
useDecimalPrecisionOverflowFallback false If set as true, overflow in numeric fields will be truncated to MinValue/MaxValue of decimal data type  
EnableUpdates true If running as ClickOnce deployed application, look for framework files updates  
UpdateInterval 60 Stores the ClickOnce update check interval (in minutes)  
useRoamingProfiles false Allows using roaming profiles , given that roaming profiles are configured on Windows Local profiles are default, but Citrix installations
where you don't know which machine you will get
connected to might want to use roaming profiles instead
proxyAutodetect false If set, EE will try to find out if internet proxy is set up and use it for communicating
with application server
To increase performance and stability it should be off
for installations that have the application server on the internal net and accessible directly.
allowedHttpWebUrls empty set the list of URLs with '^' seperated (^ If set, EE web browser will allow only the Urls mentioned in the list. "" or commented parameter will allow all the Urls
Urls should be seperated with a "^"
allowedProtocols empty set the list of protocols with '^' seperated (http^ftp) If set, EE web browser will allow only the protocols mentioned in the list. It will also allow the urls mentioned in the "allowedHttpWebUrls". "" or commented parameter will allow all the protocols
"!" will restrict all the protocols
Protocols should be seperated with a "^"

Updating (patching) the installation

Client updates may change the default setting values and update the sample file but settings specified in the Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.appsettings file will not be changed during the update.