Configure Remember Password

Remember Password is designed to allow end-users to have a high usability (they do not have to enter password) while maintaining a reasonable Security level by utilizing secure and encrypted storage provided by operating system.

The philosophy is that once you (a user) have logged on to an account one should not have to logon again to gain access to client applications.


User Enable Remember Password

Enabling "Remember Password" is easy. In the login dialog, click "Options >>".

The login dialog will be extended and include Options. Check the "Remember password" check box.

User Disable Remember Password

To disable "Remember Password", just disable "Remember Password" check box.

Configure System-wide Disabling of Remember Password

If system administrator or security officers wishes to disable "Remember Password" for some reason (e.g. security policy compliance) it is possible to manually disable the functionality for all clients and all users. To do so, change the setting disableRememberPassword to true. How to change an IFS Enterprise Explorer setting is described here.

Security Aspects

IFS Applications "Remember Password" is designed to be as secure as possible. To achieve this, secure storage provided by Microsoft Windows operating system is utilized, the LSA. This means, that assuming a high Operating system security level, the passwords are stored securely; encrypted in a manner which only is possible decrypt if you know the user's login password.

Threats against "Remember Password" functionality

There are some risks with this functionality which must be accepted or mitigated.