Install Separate Integration Server


A default IFS Middleware Server installation, whether clustered or not, will service all types of server calls, for example from interactive users using IFS Enterprise Explorer or IFS Web Client, for report rendering and for integrations. It is possible to use separate middle-tier installations for these three types of calls (Clients, Integration and Reporting) as a means to minimize one type of server call potentially affecting the response time or availability of unrelated functionality. Read more this separation at High Availability and Scalability.

Three types of middle-tier installations are possible, each installed to a separate <ifs_home>, possibly on separate hosts:

A Main Server is always mandatory, but as shown here it can be configured to exclude Integration Services functionality. If Integration Services is excluded from the Main Server, then an Integration Server installation is mandatory. An External Report Formatter can always be installed and configured, regardless of whether Integration Services is installed in a separate server or not.




Configure Main Server

  1. Create an <ifs_home> directory, e.g.: D:\ifsee_home.
  2. Start the installer.
  3. In the list of Components to Deploy uncheck Integration Services. You can also choose to not install this component in Components to Install screen.
  4. Continue the rest of the installation as normal.
  5. Go to <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\conf folder and open file. Enter a new property as follows: fnd.ifsHomeId=Main (The value can be anything, this has to be unique for Main Server and Integration Server).
  6. Configure JMS Bridge.


Configure Integration Server

  1. Create an <ifs_home> directory, e.g.: D:\ifsIntegrations_home.
  2. Start the installer.
  3. In the list of Components to Deploy select only Server and Integration Services for deployment. You can also choose to not install other components in Components to Install screen.
  4. In Configure database connection step, enter the details of the same database that was used when installing Main Server. Both application servers should use a common database instance.
  5. In Windows Services step, if running on Windows, you can choose to install Connect Server as a Windows service.
  6. Continue the rest of the steps.
  7. Go to <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\conf folder and open file. Enter a new property as follows: fnd.ifsHomeId=Integration (The value can be anything, this has to be unique for Main Server and Integration Server).
  8. Configure JMS Bridge.


Note: It is not necessary to import items specified in the Database import and deploy panel in all servers. This is enough to do it only once, in one of servers.


Configure External Report Formatter

Follow installation instructions here.


Configure JMS Bridges

To propagate the configuration changes that are cached in Application Server caches it is necessary to connect the Main Server and Integration Server via two JMS Bridges. To do that perform the following steps on both servers:

  1. Copy file jms-notran-adp.rar from <ifs_home>\mw_home\mws\wlserver\server\lib to <ifs_home>\instance\<instance>\ear directory.
  2. Reconfigure IFS Middleware Server using IFS Installer. This will deploy Resource Adapter used by the JMS Bridge.
  3. Unpack the file located in <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name> to an empty directory, e.g. <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\jms. Refer also to the included readme.txt file for detailed usage information.
  4. Depending on your operating system open the jms.cmd or shell script and set the correct values of variables IFS_HOME and JMS_HOME. IFS_HOME has to point out your <ifs_home> directory, while JMS_HOME the script directory from the previous step.
  5. Edit the file:
  6. Open the command shell window and run, depending on your operating system, one of jms.cmd or scripts.
  7. JMS Bridges use the t3 protocol for exchanging information. But it is possible to use the http(s) protocol for tunneling of the t3 protocol and address the HTTP Server (OHS) instead of Managed Server(s). In this case the HTTP Server has to know what to do with such request, which requires additional configuration of the HTTP Server.
    1. Go to <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\conf folder and create a new text file with name mod_wl_ohs_<instance_name>_tunnel.conf.
    2. Enter the following information in there:
      <LocationMatch ^/bea_wls_internal/>
         SetHandler weblogic-handler
      Save changes.
    3. Restart the HTTP Server using <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\bin\stop_http_server.cmd/sh and start_http_server.cmd/sh.

    Note that you don't need to perform this step on a server you're accessing only via t3 protocol.

  8. Restart the servers using <ifs_home>\instance\<instance_name>\bin\stop_all_server.cmd/sh and start_all_server.cmd/sh.

You can check the status of the created JMS Bridge by running the jms_status.cmd/sh script. Download the zip file including both versions of the script (Windows and Linux) and modify the variables defined at the beginning of the script to reflect your environment.

Reconfiguring an already existing installation

Follow the steps given below if you want to separate an existing IFS installation into separate installations as suggested here in this documentation:

Reconfiguring the existing <ifs_home> to act as Main Server

  1. During reconfiguration in the list of Components to Deploy uncheck Integration Services.
  2. Install a new separate <ifs_home> to act as the Integration Server by following the steps above.
  3. Install an External Report Formatter.
  4. Create JMS Bridges.


Reconfiguring the existing <ifs_home> to act as Integration Server

  1. During reconfiguration in the list of Components to Deploy select only Server and Integration Services for deployment.
  2. On Windows make sure that Connect Server is installed as services and can be started correctly in this server installation.
  3. Install a new separate <ifs_home> to act as the Main Server by following the steps above.
  4. Install an External Report Formatter.
  5. Create JMS Bridges.