Install SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions

Following installation steps describes how to install IFS Provided SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions in SQL Server Reporting Services instance. This installation enables

  1. IFS Enterprise Explorer users to communicate with the Reporting Services using Single Sign On (SSO)
  2. Access data in Reporting Services using IFS Applications custom data sources

This is an optional installation that should run in Reporting Services instance locally. Currently supported versions of SQL Server are




IFS provides four SQL Server Reporting Services extensions.

Authentication Extension

This extension is responsible for authenticating the IFS Application users via the Extended Server. This extension is used together with Authorization extension when the IFS Application is configured to use Database or Simple LDAP authentication.  

Authorization Extension

This extension is responsible for authorizing  resource access for Reporting Services users. It is used together with Authentication extension when the IFS Application is configured to use Database or Simple LDAP authentication.

Data Processing Extension

This extension is required to use IFS Applications as a custom data source in Reporting Services. This is supported by the following authentication mechanisms used by IFS Applications.


Report Data Service Extension

This extension is present only when IFS provided SQL Server Reporting Services Operational Reporting (SSRSOR) is available and it is required in using SQL Server Reporting Services Operational Reports. This is supported by the following authentication mechanisms used by IFS Applications.

These extensions can be installed using the IFS – MS SQL Server Extensions Installer. The installer can be accessed from

 <Build_Home>/Win32Server/SQL Server Extensions/Install/IFSBISSExtInstaller.exe

Note: The installer will install/configure the required extensions based on the IFS Applications authentication method. Selection of individual extensions is not supported. The installer should run by the same user as Logon User of the SQL Server Reporting Services service and it should run on the server machine which has reporting services installed.

Installation Steps

  1. Open the executable file IFSBISSExtInstaller.exe

  2. From the installer start page read the appropriate information and press Next.

    If SQL Server Reporting Services Operational Reporting (SSRSOR) module is available then the Start Page will look as follows

  3. The Install paths will be populated with the paths to Reporting Server instances installed on the server.

    Select the instance which needs to be modified.

  4. Select the Authentication Method of IFS Applications.

    Based on the selection some of the install steps will be disabled

    Note: In order to go ahead with the rest of the steps, it is required that the servers (E.g., Extended Server, Reporting Server etc.,) to be up and running. Else the validations will fail and will not proceed further.

  5. It is required to configure following parameters for each method
    1. Oracle Database Authentication
      Configuration Name Description
      Extended Server URL The URL of the IFS Applications - Extended Server access point
      SSRS Host The host URL of SQL Server Reporting Services
      SSRS Report Server The URL SQL Server Reporting Services Report Server. This will be automatically suggested when SSRS Host is specified.
      Web Service Descriptor The URL of SQL Server Reporting Services web service (2010) access point. This will be automatically suggested when SSRS Host is specified.
      Use SSL to transfer credentials to Report Server from login page When this check box is selected, Secure Socket Layer (https) will be used while transferring credentials
      SSRS Administrator The new administrator of SQL Server Reporting Services instance. This user will have all the rights in Report Server, should be a valid IFS Applications User.

      Note: Remember that the existing SSRS administrator will be removed by this installer.

      Username Username for fetching DB, Domain User mappings for DB Authentication. (Should be an IFS Applications user with minimum rights to access the activity BrowseIfsbiSsrsUserMappings). (The system defined user, "SSRSINTUSER" is recommended to be use for this purpose.)
      Password Password for fetching DB, Domain User mappings for DB Authentication

      Note: Proper mappings should be done in Oracle and Domain User mappings for Reporting Services window in IEE.

    2. LDAP Authentication

      It is required to configure following parameters.

      Configuration Name Description
      Extended Server URL The URL of the IFS Applications - Extended Server access point
      SSRS Host The host URL of SQL Server Reporting Services
      SSRS Report Server The URL SQL Server Reporting Services Report Server. Will be automatically suggested when SSRS Host is specified.
      Web Service Descriptor The URL of SQL Server Reporting Services web service (2010) access point. Will be automatically suggested when SSRS Host is specified.
      Use SSL to transfer credentials to Report Server from login page When this check box is selected, Secure Socket Layer (https) will be used while transferring credentials
      SSRS Administrator A valid IFS Applications user that will act as the new administrator of the SQL Server Reporting Services instance. This user will have all rights in Report Server. Provide the Identity of the appointed IFS Application user.


      Internally in SQL Server Reporting Services, the username will be set according to the "User name format".


      Note: Remember that the existing SSRS administrator will be removed by this installer. If the mapped identity is changed, installer should be re-executed.

      Username The Identity of an IFS Applications user with minimum rights to access the activity BrowseIfsbiSsrsUserMappings. This user is used for fetching Domain User mappings, FndUser information from IFS Applications. (The system defined user, "SSRSINTUSER" is recommended to be use for this purpose.)
      Password Password related to Username
      Use the default user identities configured in IFS Applications for LDAP authentication DIRECTORY_IDENTITY of the FndUser will be set as internal SQL Server Reporting Services username
      Username format Template to be used to format usernames/user identities configured in IFS Applications.
      Valid template values are {USER_IDENTITY}, {DIRECTORY_IDENTITY}


      Place Holder Description
      {USER_IDENTITY} User Identity of the Foundation User
      {DIRECTORY_IDENTITY} Directory Identity of the Foundation User


      Foundation User SQL Server Reporting Services User
      User Identity Directory Identity Username Format Resulting Username value
      FILA firstname.lastname@TESTDOMAIN.COM {DIRECTORY_IDENTITY} firstname.lastname@TESTDOMAIN.COM

    3. Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA)

      There are no parameters to configure when using Windows Integrated Authentication.

  6. Confirmation

After reviewing the installation settings, select Extension Installer and click Next. This will start the actual installation/configuration

Note: It is important to make sure the settings are valid before starting the actual configuration/ installations because it is not possible to rollback the modifications automatically, once it is done. You have to either do it manually or by uninstalling the Report Server instance.

  1. Installation

    During the installation, status messages will be displayed in this window.

  2. Completion

    Now the installation/ configuration is over. During this step it is possible to open the installation log.

    Note: Restart the SQL Server Reporting Services service after the installation.

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