Select Components to Deploy

Here you Select Components to Deploy to your Instance. In this case a selectable part coming from the components you already selected to install. Deploying will mean that the part will be included into the Instance you are creating or reconfiguring. Depending on what you decide to deploy, some wizard forms in this documentation may be shown or not.

You choose what parts of your installation to include in your server instance in Select Components to Deploy.

Note also that if you choose not to install a component in Select Components to Install step it will not appear here.

By choosing what to deploy you can control the type of server/<ifs_home> you're about to install.

There are two different deployment scenarios, the Default Installation (all) or Separate Servers installation, with an optional addition of an External Report Formatter.

Default Installation

Component Main Server (all) External Report Formatter (optional) Contains
Enterprise Explorer X   IFS Enterprise Explorer, Streams, Lobby
Integration Services X   Batch, Connect, PL/SQL Access Provider
Lobby Web Access X   Lobby for Web
Server (mandatory) X X Server framework and interfaces
Web Client X   Web client

Separate Servers

Component Main Server Integration Server External Report Formatter (optional) Contains
Enterprise Explorer X     IFS Enterprise Explorer, Streams, Lobby
Integration Services   X   Batch, Connect, PL/SQL Access Provider
Lobby Web Access X     Lobby for Web
Server (mandatory) X X X Server framework and interfaces
Web Client X     Web client


Read more about separating Integration and Reporting processing away from interactive client requests at High Availability and Scalability.

Read more about actual installation of separate Integration Server and External Report Formatter.


  1. Select Components to deploy.

    Select all for a standard installation

  2. Click Next
