Enter passwords for the internal system users

This form is only shown when Extended Server or Web Client is deployed.
The Internal System Users were created and passwords set after database install, in the Configure Foundation1 steps.  

Extended Server needs passwords to internal system users to operate, and passwords are entered in this step.

The passwords for the Internal Users are stored in encrypted format.

Depending on Authentication method setup the value for Login and Password can differ.

ID Description
IFSSYS  Login for communication and configuration purposes
IFSADMIN  Login for Administrator to the Solution Manager Client
IFSCONNECT   Login for Batch and Connect Servers
IFSPLSQLAP     Login for PL/SQL Access Providers
IFSPRINT   Login for Print Agent

Passwords for Internal Users

Passwords for the users can be assigned by clicking on the Edit buttons. Once an Edit button is clicked you will see the corresponding  Edit Internal User dialog box as shown below.

There are two ways of configuring a password:

  1. Change instance configuration:

    Updates all instance configuration files with the new password in an encrypted format.

  2. Change Oracle user password:

    Updates, not only the Instance configuration files, but also the Oracle User password (in the database).

    If this option is selected, you should enter the current database user password in Old Password in order to update the database.

    Only valid when Extended Server is deployed.

Changing a passwords of an Internal User



  1. Use Reset for updating the Login values from the database.
  2. Assign/Change passwords by using the Edit Internal User dialog box.
    Parameter Description Alternatives/Suggestion
    ID The Internal Users Oracle Username NA
    Login The value for the Internal User verification. This is set by the Database Administrator with other Tool.
    Old Password Current password of the Oracle User Must be the correct password. This field not editable unless
    the Change Oracle user password is selected.
    New Password New password you want to assign. N/A
    Confirm New Password Confirmation of the above new password. Must be identical to the value typed in the New Password field.
  3. Click Next


You must enter the correct password.
Reset can be used to fetch new data if new users have been created with other tools during this operation.