Installation and Security

This document will highlight some part to consider regarding installation and security


Granting Lobby items to users

The IFS Lobby security model uses Presentation Objects to allow Pages to be granted to users.

A Presentation Object is created when a Lobby item (Page, Element or Data Source) is created. These PO's are normally accessible only by the Application Owner or an Admin user. In addition, it is possible to use the System Parameter shown below to set a default Permission Set that these PO's will be granted to on creation.

Since a Lobby Page is a collection of Elements and each Element may be connected to zero data sources (e.g.: Image or Text element) or one or more data sources (e.g.: Links List), and Data Sources in turn can access one or more database objects, it is required to map this hierarchy to the Presentation Objects dependency structure in order to be able to grant/revoke permission at the Page level.

Database objects used by a Data Source are automatically added to the Data Source's PO by scanning the SQL. They are however not granted automatically to the given permission set. If the database objects used in a Data Source are not already granted, the Element will show an error and grants need to be handled manually.

PO's for a Lobby item can be found in the Information section of the item. Clicking on the link would open the Manage PO Grants form.

The Designer Sales Part

The Lobby Designer is a separate Sales Part that makes it possible to create new Data Sources, Elements and Pages, as well as configure and edit the items included with IFS Applications. The Designer Sales Part is composed of the FNDCPD component and the EE_LOBBY_DESIGN Presentation Object. The PO must be granted to the users who are going to design Lobby items in order for them to have access to the Designers. Without this, only Personalization will be possible.

The Install and Reconfigure process

The Lobby items included with IFS Applications are automatically deployed to your database when running the IFS Applications Installer, in the Database import and deploy step. Note that every time the Installer is run, the Lobby items that ship with IFS Applications will be redeployed and overwritten based on the choices made in the Import Lobby items checkboxes.

Important: if configuration changes (i.e.: not Personalization changes) are needed on any Lobby item that was included with IFS Applications, be sure to create a copy of that item and do the necessary configuration changes on the newly copied item.