Application Server Tasks

An Application Server Task defines a middle tier handler operation that can be scheduled by the Database Scheduled Tasks functionality. They are also used to to handle the Connectivity and Print Agent jobs. The job type defines how the Application Server Task is defined and handled.

Read more about the concept Application Server Tasks


Application Server Tasks overview

Application Server Tasks are executable messages. Typically an Application Server Task consists of the following main components:

Job Type:
3 types of jobs are supported.

Interface & Operation:
The name of the utility handler and it's operation that is invoked from this applications server task.

Job parameters:
The input parameters for the given application server task.

All jobs are handled equally regardless of queue (expect for TRASHCAN and ERROR queues). The queue is only used for categorizing. DEFAULT queue can always be used if no categorizing is needed .

Schedule Application Server tasks

There are two windows in IFS Solution Manager available for administration of Application Server Tasks:

Application Server Tasks of type Other are scheduled just as ordinary Database Scheduled Tasks. The Database Task Run Application Server Task can be scheduled to run an Application Server Task by specifying the parameter APPLICATION_MESSAGE_ID_ on the Scheduled Database Task. The parameter ONE_TIME_TASK_ is by default set to FALSE. Setting this to TRUE will immediately remove the scheduled task once it is executed. This parameter is set to TRUE  when the system creates one time schedules.

On the Application Server Task you can open the existing scheduled task or create a new one. Do this by selecting the Scheduled Database Task option in the menu.

To monitor the process of a job of type Other, you can view the details in Application Messages. Select Show Application Message on the Application Server Task. This will show information if the job was executed successfully or information why it failed. A failed application message needs to be restarted in order to be executed the next time by the database scheduled task.

How to add a task

The installation will create a few essential Application Server Task Templates in the system. In the window Application Server Task Templates, it is possible to edit them and create new tasks as well by duplicating existing ones. In the window Application Server Tasks it is possible to add new Application Server Tasks of type Other and edit them.

Job Type:

Only jobs of type Other can be created by pressing the New button. Because types PrintAgent and Connectivity serve only as templates, new templates can only be created by duplicating the existing ones.


Select the interface name which should be used by the task. The available interface names depends on the selected job type.


Select the method name of the selected interface to invoke by the task.


The queue is used for categorizing the messages. Default queue can always be used if no categorizing is needed .

Execute As:

The task should be executed as either SYSTEM or INITIATOR. Default value is SYSTEM.


Specify the locale for the task execution. Default is set to English(United States).

Job parameters:

Depending on the job type, there are 3 types of job parameters:

Connectivity job parameters

Media Code:
This code is used to match the intended area of the connectivity messages to be processed. Only Media Code INET_TRANS is supported as Application Server task.

This will match the recipient of the connectivity message.

Max Messages:
This will restrict the number of connectivity messages processed in a single call. If no value is set, all the connectivity messages in 'Released' state are processed in a single call.

Max Message Lines:
This will restrict the number of connectivity messages lines fetched in a query.
For example if there are 2000 lines and this parameter is set to 500 there will be total 4 queries to the database for building the complete message.
If no value is set, all the connectivity message lines in one connectivity message will be fetched in the same query.

Class Id conditions:
These are comprised of Class Id's and BizApi names. Class Id will match the subset of messages in a given media code.

PrintAgent job parameters

Report Formatter Job Parameters

Distributed Print Agents can be used for several purposes like to relieve the central application server of processing reports and rendering PDF documents, to set up several Distributed Print Agents to achieve a load balanced environment or to ensure fail-over capabilities, etc.
Specify the URL of the other application server in the field External Report Formatter URL field.

Locale and Default Language are those which the print agent task will use unless other values are specified.

The PrintAgent job parameter consists of one or more logical printers specified by a logical printer id and the corresponding physical printer.

Debug Information

Debug information will be used in writing a debug file. You should check the Debug check box to enable debugging information. Debug Level will determine to which extent the information should be written in the debug file. Debug File specifies the output file in which the debug information has written.

Other job parameters

If it is required to specify a customized set of job parameters, use the 'Other' job type. Type your job parameters as an XML document in an external editor. And then load it to your task using the load a file button. You can save the existing job parameters as an XML file using the save to file button.

How to export/import task

Export a Task

  1. Select the task you want to export.
  2. Select Export Task in the context menu using the RMB.
  3. Select a location where you want to save the export file in the popup dialog box. File will be saved in XML format.
  4. Give a file name and click Save.

Import a Task

  1. Use Import Task.
  2. Select the import files in the popup dialog box.