Setup IFS Connect

Connect configuration parameters are those basic data that are defined in setting up connector readers, connector senders, etc. This page describe different types of those parameters, how those parameters can be set, how to export/import configuration data, etc.



Configuration data is structured into configuration areas, configuration groups, configuration instances and parameters of those instances. Setup IFS Connect will open up the feature that allow us to edit these connect configuration parameters.

Configuration groups

Configuration group is a set of configuration instances. Each area will consist of a few such configuration groups. Integration has the following groups.

Static and non static instances

Configuration instances can be divided into two main types, Static Instances and Non Static Instances. Static instances cannot be duplicated, deleted or renamed. They will be created by the initialize program. They will be indicate by Gray color, e.g. DEFAULT queue, NOTIFICATIONS queue, ERROR queue, J2EE_SERVER server etc.
All other non static instances can be duplicated and can have more than one instance of that type.

Write protected parameters

Configuration Instances can have two types of parameters. Editable and Write Protected. Each Write Protected parameter will be shown in Gray. e.g. JAR_FILE parameter for each connector reader.

How to read the help text

Help text for each parameter is given in the tool tip of the parameter value field. You can keep you mouse pointer on the parameter value field to get the help text of a parameter.

How to edit a parameter

As mentioned above you can't edit Write Protected parameters. To edit other parameters of an instance select the configuration instance. When editing a parameter the instance will be marked as edited. Use the Save feature toolbar button and save changes.

How to work with binary parameters

For Envelopes and Transformers it is possible to import/export the envelope or transformer file as binary data. You can import a new file as binary or export a saved binary file to the disk.

To import:

Load link will open up a file dialogue allowing you to select the file to load as the configuration parameters binary data.

To export:

Save link will open up a file dialogue which allows you to save the binary data in the parameter as a file.

How to create a new configuration parameter instance

New configuration instances are always created by duplicating existing ones. To duplicate an instance select the instance first and use either RMB Duplicate or Duplicate feature toolbar button.

Note: You cannot duplicate static configurations like ERROR, NOTIFICATIONS, TRASHCAN in Message Queues.

Rename the duplicated instance, edit the parameters there and save by clicking the Save feature toolbar button to create the new instance.

How to remove a configuration parameter instance

To remove a configuration, select the instance and click 'Delete' feature tool bar button. The item will be marked as removed. Use the Save feature toolbar button to commit removal.

Note: Static configuration instances are not possible to remove.

How to export/import configuration

Export/Import the whole Configuration Area

Export/Import a separate Configuration Instance

Import of configuration instances is little different from the above procedure.