Application Messages

Application Messages window and navigator are intended to be used by Integration Administrators to browse messages. It can be also used to administrate the application messages used as Application Server Tasks. Application Messages are stored in Message Queues.


Explore Messages

IFS Connect messages can be explored using the Navigator node Solution Manager > Integration > IFS Connect > Application Messages.

In the header part the form shows general information.

Routing Rule used shows the name of the Routing Rule used for routing of the message.

Message Input Data shows the initial request body and, if the message has been processed by an outbound BizAPI, even result of the BizAPI execution.

Address List shows details about the destination and response addresses. Each successful address execution creates its own message body. Those reply bodies created by the addresses are accessible through the RMB function View Message Response on corresponding address line.

Export/Import messages from/to a queue

Export Messages

  1. Select the messages you want to export.
  2. Select Export Messages in the context menu using.

  3. Select a folder where you want to save the export file(s) in the popup dialog box.
  4. Click OK to save the file(s) which will be saved in ApplicationMessage_ID.xml format.

Import Messages to a Queue

  1. Select Import Messages in the context menus of index list header and background area for this.
  2. Select the import files in the popup dialog box.
  3. Select queue in which the messages will be saved.

Change queue/state of messages

Change Queue of a Messages

  1. Select the messages.
  2. Select Move to Queue in the context menu and select the target queue. If the number of queues exceed 20, a List of Values dialog is shown to search and select the target queue.

Change State of Messages

The following actions can be performed on an application message or many messages.
Reroute – removes all address lines with corresponding reply message bodies and creates new ones by rerouting the message and changes state to ‘Released’; can only be executed on messages in state ‘Failed’
Restart > All Address Lines – sets state of all address lines and the message to 'Released' and removes all reply message bodies; can be executed on messages in states ‘Failed’ and ‘Canceled’
Restart > Failed Address Lines – sets state of failed address lines and the message itself to 'Released'; can be executed on messages in states ‘Failed’ and ‘Canceled’
Duplicate and Release – duplicates a finished message without its address lines and reply message bodies; can only be executed on messages in state ‘Finished’
Resume – changes message state from ‘Suspended’ to ‘Released’
Suspend – sets message state to ‘Suspended’; can only be executed on messages in state ‘Waiting’
Cancel – sets message state to ‘Canceled’; can be executed on messages in states ‘Failed’, ‘Waiting’ and ‘Suspended’.

Note: Only the changeable states will be enabled for a particular message. Others will appear as disabled.

Message Queue Settings

This will navigate to the selected queue settings.

View all Messages for this Queue and Status

This will populate all the messages in the selected queue and having the selected state.

Reroute messages

  1. Select messages you want to reroute.
  2. Select Reroute in the context menu for messages.

Note: Messages that are created with address lines from the very beginning are not routed by the Router and do not have any corresponding routing rule. Rerouting of such messages will then fail. Messages created by cloning templates in Application Server Tasks, i.e. Print Jobs  and Connectivity messages are examples of such messages - those reside typically in one of the Batch queues.

Note: The message state will set to Released after rerouting.

View message details

Select Show Details in the context menu or click on the message id link to open the detailed application message.