Additional Configurations

This page defines the additional configurations required  for Data Synchronizations in both Hub and Satellites. However necessity of these configurations can be changed according to the customer requirements.


Additional Port Configurations

Optimized usage of the bandwidth is a most important aspect for the data synchronization. If LOB (Documents, Images, Base Profiles) and Normal Data (created from the transactions like creating a Purchase order, releasing a Customer order) are received from the same port, then normal data may have to wait until large sized LOBs are sent entirely. There for it is important to be able to configure two separate ports for normal data and LOB data to avoid unnecessary traffic in the network. If required it should be possible to configure any number of ports as needed.

Configuring additional listen ports is possible using a Reverse Proxy Server. Here we will discuss how Apache HTTP server can be configured as a Reverse Proxy Server to enable additional communication ports.

  1. Download and install Apche HTTPD server.
  2. Go to <Apache_Install_Dir>\conf and open httpd.conf for editing.
  3. Load the mod_proxy moudles.  Uncomment the following LoadModule directives:


    LoadModule        proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule	proxy_http_module modules/
  4. Add the required listen ports: Listen 55080
  5. Add the following proxy directives to forward the requests that come to the listen ports of the Apache HTTPD server  to the application server URL.


    ProxyPass        "/" 	""
    ProxyPassReverse "/" ""
  6. Start the Apache HTTPD server. Go to <Apache_Install_Dir>\bin and execute httpd.exe.

Note: It is important to use these additional ports in routing addresses generated for sending normal data and LOB data.

User and Permission Sets


IFSSYNC is a system User which is created for internal operations in Data Synchronizations. This user should not be mapped to an actual end user but should be used only for technical purposes. IFSSYNC is granted new permission set called 'FND_SYNC'. User account for IFSSYNC is created during the deployment of FNDRPL to database.

Note: Default password of this user is IFSSYNC. Since IFSSYNC user has some sort of elevated privileges, it is recommended to change the password of this user before starting Data Synchronization between IFS installations. After changing the password, It is important to use that changed password in the routing addresses used for data synchronization. 

Grant Access to Companies and Sites for IFSSYNC User

  1. Navigate to Solution Manager\Security\Users\Create User
  2. Fetch 'IFSSYNC'
  3. Expand Companies & Sites
  4. Expand Companies and check relevant companies
  5. Expand Sites and check relevant sites
  6. Save and Refresh the Security Cache


FND_SYNC is a predefined permission set which is created upon installation of IFS Applications with a build home that has the component FNDRPL. This role is granted to IFSSYNC user. Since this is  used for internal operations in Data Synchronization, it is recommended that this role is left as it is.


FND_SYNCADMIN is also a predefined permission set which can be used for administration related works in Data Synchronizations. This is also created upon installation of IFS Applications with a build home that has the component FNDRPL. This role has every grants necessary for a user to be an administrator in Data Synchronizations. FND_RUNTIME is granted to this role.

Parameter Setting for HTTP_SENDER1

Bundled data synchronization messages are sent via http sender. If the connection between Hub and Satellites goes down, message is not delivered and the application message moves to 'Waiting' state. After the number of retries if  there is still a  connection problem, that particular message is failed and queue is  stopped. Hence, we need to make sure that http sender is configured with a reasonable number of retires until the connection problems between Hub and Satellite is resolved. Refer to Tuning and Trouble Shooting for more information.

Note: These values can be changed according to the customer requirements.

Notification for failed Synchronization messages

When a data synchronization message is failed, there should be a mechanism to convey it to an authorized person. There is a database task called 'Restart Data Synchronization Messages' to restart a failed synchronization message and when it is reached to maximum attempt of restarts, it sends a notification. This notification can be an E-mail, Application Message, Online SQL, etc. Event for sending this notification is generated when FNDRPL is deployed to the database. Hence, it is required to configure an event action for that Event.

Following example shows the way of configuring an E-mail for sending notifications.

  1. Create a Even action for Event 'SEND_DATA_SYNC_NOTIFICATION'
  2. Enable Event.

Functional Parameters

There is one functional parameter called 'Excluded User'. Users defined in this parameter are excluded from Password Synchronization. Predefined value of this parameter is a combination of system users such as IFSAPP, IFSADMIN, IFSSYNC, etc. Addition to system users, if particular Foundation1 user does not need to send his password to other sites, his user id can be added to this excluded user combination.


There is another parameter called 'AUTO IMPORT MODE' which is used for synchronization of configurations. Values of this parameter can be 'ON' or 'OFF' and 'OFF' is the default value.

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