Configure System Parameters

System Parameter

After the installation of Reporting Services, some system parameters needs to be configured in order for IFS Enterprise Explorer to communicate with the reporting server.

The parameters are used to define:

System parameters are configured in IFS Solution Manager (see table below for parameter name and value).

Note: The value for IFS EE Feature for MS Reporting Services is case sensitive and must be identical to the value text below

Note: The BI Base Package will install a parameter that defines the feature used for previewing Business Analytics reports in IFS Enterprise Explorer. The parameter is mentioned here since the reporting package requires the base package and thus this parameter configuration information covers both packages.


!2013-09-05 Added MS Reporting Services Authentication Type

Category Parameter Value
Business Intelligence Base URL for Reporting Services The parameter value should be the URL to the Microsoft® SQL Server® Reporting Services.
Parameter value template:

<protocol>://<host>:<port:>, e.g., http://lkprnd01:8080
Business Intelligence IEE Feature for MS Reporting Services This is an internal system parameter. The value for this system parameter should normally not be changed, since it should be an internal IFS Applications URL pointing to the IFS Enterprise Explorer Feature for Microsoft® SQL Server® Reporting Services.

Business Intelligence MS Reporting Services Authentication Type This parameter be set as per the Installation of SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions.

If the extensions are not installed, the value should be set to WIA.

  • WIA – Windows Integrated Authentication
  • FORMS_DB – Forms Authentication with Oracle DB
  • FORMS_LDAP – Forms Authentication with Simple LDAP
Business Intelligence URL for Excel viewer on SharePoint This parameter defines the URL for Excel viewer on SharePoint.
Of interest when using the IFS BI Integration (SQL Server Integration) to create correct Quick Report URLs to dashboards on SharePoint.
Parameter value template
Business Intelligence URL for Excel dashboards on SharePoint This parameter defines the URL for looking up Excel dashboards on SharePoint.
Of interest when using the IFS BI Integration

Parameter value template
<protocol>://<host>:<port>/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Documents?$filter=endswith(Name, 'xlsx')&$select=Name,Path


http://lkprnd01:80/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Documents?$filter=endswith(Name, 'xlsx')&$select=Name,Path
Business Intelligence URL for Performance Point dashboards on SharePoint This parameter defines the URL for looking up Excel dashboards on SharePoint.
Of interest when using the IFS BI Integration

Parameter value template
<protocol>://<host>:<port>/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Dashboards?$filter=ContentType eq 'Web Part Page'&$select=Name


http://lkprnd01:80/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Dashboards?$filter=ContentType eq 'Web Part Page'&$select=Name
Business Intelligence IEE Feature for Previewing BA Reports This is an internal system parameter. The value for this system parameter should normally not be changed, since it should be an internal IFS Applications URL pointing to the IFS Enterprise Explorer Feature for previewing Business Analytics report in IEE.
