Configure Mapping of Attributes

An example set of mappings is delivered as a template for new configurations. The mappings can easily be changed to fit your environment.

The mapping is part of the configuration. If your Active Directory holds inconsistent information, or if it is partitioned and for example holds different information for employees and subcontractors in the AD, you might need to create multiple configurations with different mappings accordingly.

How Mappings Work

The left-side column of the attribute mapping is static and holds properties that originates from the IFS Applications domain. Each and every property can be mapped against

Some properties are required to be set while others can be left empty.

No mapping value for a particular IFS Attribute means that no information will be fetched for that particular attribute. In other words, the corresponding IFS Attribute is disabled. A non-empty mapping indicates that the attribute should be synchronized and given the corresponding value from the Active Directory. If a NULL value is returned from the Active Directory then the corresponding IFS attribute is cleared.

The attribute mapping part of the configuration form.

The lower part of the attribute mapping consists of address type configuration.

Available Active Directory Attributes

The mappings are configured by entering an Active Directory attribute value prefixed with a '&' in the right-hand side column. You can concatenate several attributes into a string if you like to.

The following Active Directory attributes can be used in the mapping configuration:

Attribute Name Explanation
sAMAccountName Windows logon name
c Country abbreviation (ISO code)
City City
CN DisplayName / Name - Name (fullname)
co Name of country (see note below before using)
Company Company
DistinguishedName X500 Distinguished Name
Fax Fax number
GivenName First name
Initials Initials
l City (location)
mail E-mail address
Mobile Mobile phone number
MiddleName Middle Name
PostalCode Zip code
sn Surname - Last name
StreetAddress StreetAddress
telephoneNumber Telephone number
Title Title
UserPrincipalName User logon name (including domain)


Note: It is strongly recommended to use the 'c' attribute in the mappings as the 'co' attribute store country names in accordance to local language. If you have English version of Active Directory, the 'co' attribute will contain English names of countries - Germany, United Kingdom, Russia. But if you have a German version of Active Directory, the 'co' attribute will contain German names - Deutschland, Gross Britanien, Russland. The 'c' attribute uses the ISO 3166 standard country codes.

Mandatory Mappings

Some of the properties in the IFS Application User Registry domain are mandatory. These mappings are:

  1. FndUser.Identity
  2. FndUser.Description
  3. Address.AddressCountry

Note: The mapping Address.AddressCountry is semi-mandatory; the mapping is only used if a PersonInfoAddress LU is created/synchronized. Such a LU is created only if Address.AddressId has a mapping and there exist a value for the corresponding attribute in the Active Directory.

If a controlling attribute (like Person.PersonId or Address.AddressId) is disabled then synchronization of the dependent entities is disabled too.

Mapping Rules

The mappings control how user information is synchronized from the Active Direcotry into IFS Applications User Registry. These are the ground rules for the synchronization process:

  1. FndUser and FndUserProperty LU:s are always created/synchronized and FndUser.Identity and FndUser.Description are mandatory mappings.
  2. If Person.PersonId has a mapping and there is a value in the Active Directory for that attribute for the user then PersonInfo and CommMethod LU:s will be created/synchronized.
    1. If Person.PersonId is mapped, this implies that also Person.Name must be mapped.
  3. If Address.AddressId has a mapping and there is a value in the Active Directory for that attribute for the user then PersonInfoAddress LU will be created/synchronized.
    1. If PersonInfoAddress is created/synchronized then Address.AddressCountry is mandatory in the meaning that there must exist a value for the mapped attribute in the Active Directory.
  4. If Address.AddressId has a mapping and there is a value in the Active Directory for that attribute for the user and AdAddressTypeConfig is configured then PersonInfoAddressType LU will be created/synchronized.


Furthermore, the following applies to LU:s

FndUserProperty and CommMethod are removed when corresponding Active Directory attribute is empty.

PersonInfoAddressType is removed when it does not match AdAddressTypeConfig.

FndUser , PersonInfo and PersonInfoAddress are never removed (FndUser is deactivated instead).

Note: When modifying the attribute mappings in a configuration, removing the existing value or no value in mapping only disable the corresponding IFS attribute. If we need to set the value to 'NULL', we need to set the mapping to '&Empty'.