User Profile - Output

Output provides a way to export application data shown in IFS Applications forms. Predefined output can be a part of a user profile. This gives the system administrator the ability to administrate some common channels that almost all users want to use, e.g. Microsoft Excel. Read more about the concept in section About Output Channels.

How to Include Output in the User Profile

The profile administrator can use following process to include output channels in the user profile:

  1. Logon IFS Applications as user with access to profile administration.
  2. Open the User Profile page in the Options dialog, and select which profile to edit. Read more about profiles here.
  3. Configure the output channels as described in Configuring Output 
  4. Save the profile in the Options dialog or exit the application and answer yes when you are asked to save current active profile.
  5. The users that are assigned the profile containing the changes will get the new Output configuration next time they logon. Read more how to manage profiles here.


Note: See also Output for IFS Web Client