Configure Information Access Layer

The picture is outdated, add links to Light Cleanup and F1 System parameter (see marked text below)

This section describes how to maintain the IAL after installation is completed. Read more about the IAL concept in the section About Information Access Layer (IAL)

It is possible to add or remove objects from the IAL along with changing some default properties on the individual objects. The Information Access Layer configuration consist of two windows, IAL Object Developer and IAL Configuration, which is outlined below.

Object attributes are maintained in the form "IAL Configuration".




Field Description
Object The name for the IAL Object, and also the name for the view that the end user accesses data through
Use live data Data will be fetched straight from the application database
Copy all data (fast access) All data will be replicated, every time the object is updated. This option is only enabled for objects designed to use replication.
Copy only new-data (fast access) Only data that is new since the last replication will be copied, to improve the performance. To use this option, a date type column named 'objdate' needs to be present in the Select statement of the IAL Object from which the new data would be identified since the last replication.
Manual update When checked, data must be updated manually (i.e. there is no scheduled replication)
Scheduled update When checked, the object will be scheduled (requires a schedule to be set)
Update status Current status for the object
Last update started Last time the replication was started, if any.
Last update ended Last time the replication was completed, if any.
Next update begins Next time replication will commence.
Quick search Columns that will have a quick-index, for quicker searches. Will not include complex indexes.

Replication scheduling

Scheduling is performed by the server process 'Fnd_Light_Cleanup', which by default executes once every ten minutes. For each IAL-Object that is found to be due for replication, a background job is created which executes the actual replication. This minimizes the amount of time taken by the 'Fnd_Light_Cleanup' process and also enables the possibility of assigning replication-jobs to a default queue.

If necessary, it is possible to speed up or slow down 'Fnd_Light_Cleanup' by changing the corresponding setting in Scheduled Tasks. It is also possible to have a separate schedule for IAL replication. There is a predefined database task 'Scheduled IAL Replication' which can be used for this purpose.

For administrative purposes, for example during an upgrade of the application, it is recommended that the F1 System Parameter setting for 'Information Access Layer (IAL) replication setup' be changed to OFF'. This will prohibit any and all IAL objects due for replication from triggering until the setting is changed back to 'ON' (for example, after an upgrade).

The replication is performed by dropping the table, recreating the table with select *, and then recreating the associated indexes as they were before. This also ensures good performance even when multiple indexes are used, and that rollback tablespace is not affected.


It is recommended that a dedicated tablespace be used for IAL objects, possibly even that data and indexes are separated. However, since the definition of these objects is that they never grow (all data is copied into an initially empty table at the time of replication) there should be very little maintenance once it has been correctly setup.

Tablespace settings on both tables and indexes should be applied to the table or index and are used from that point on. By default, these settings should be supplied on the object in the specific IAL file, but it may sometimes be necessary to change them in a customer environment. It is more important to have the INITIAL setting correctly, than the NEXT since the objects rarely 'grow'.


Default indexes (like primary key index) should be default in the IAL file, but one may sometimes need more indexes by default. New indexes are simply applied directly to the table in question, and they are kept from that point on.

The 'Quick Search' indexes applied from the IAL Administration form are simple non-unique indexes that are applied to a single column. Should a more advanced index be necessary it can be applied at any point. The 'Quick search' indexes use a different naming convention to avoid conflict with regular indexes. The naming convention is

<OBJECT_NAME>'_X'<nn> where nn refers to the column id (numerical position in table)