SSRS Security Configuration


Report Manager General Overview

Report Manager can be used to perform the following tasks

You can access items that are stored in a report server by navigating the folder hierarchy and clicking on items that you want to view or update, provided that you have permissions to do that. The ability to perform a task in Report Manager depends on the user role assignment. A user who is assigned to a role that has full permissions, such as a report server administrator, has access to the complete set of application menus and pages. A user assigned to a role that has permissions to view and run reports, on the other hand, sees only the menus and pages that support those activities.

Users can be assigned to multiple roles. Each user can have different role assignments for different report servers, or even for the various reports and folders that are stored on a single server. For more information refer Microsoft Report Manager help >>.

Provided that the suggested security settings are applied and the recommended path to access reports are used, an end user, i.e., a report viewer, will access Published Reports and Dashboard from IFS EE and not from Report Manager. Thus a report viewer will not have access to these folders in Report Manager so any change in these folders will only affect the Report Publisher user group.

Create User Groups

Typically there are three user groups that use IFS Reporting. These are Report Administrators, Report Publishers and Report Viewers. A Report Administrator has the overall permission and can administrate and manage everything related to Reporting Services. Report Publishers are power users that create reports that are viewed by other users. This user group stores reports in the Report Manager Published Reports and Dashboards folders. Report Publishers also have permissions to configure and manage these folders. Report Viewers are end users that have access to view published reports and dashboards. This user category can also work with ad hoc reporting in Report Builder, create their own reports and save them in their My Report personal folders to which only they have access. A Report Viewer can manage his own My Report folder but has no permission to administrate any of the other report folders in Report Manager.

In Report Manager you define which user group should have access to respective folder. Access can be given to a single user or to a user group with multiple users.

!2013-09-05 Added the note

Note: Windows User groups cannot be used when using IFS provided SQL Server Reporting Services Extensions. Rights for Reporting Server contents should be granted for each user individually. (Reporting Server user groups can be granted to a user).

It is advisable to give access on Report Manager folders to user groups instead of single users since that will facilitate Report Manager folder administration. The user group must be a valid domain account at the network and it is recommended to create user groups for Report Administrators, Report Publishers and Report Viewers. For information on how to create user groups, check your windows security documentation. The user groups will then be connected to the Report Manager folders and this is further described in the Configuration of Report Services >>.

Add domain users to the user groups according to the functionality that they need to access.

Reporting Server Predefined Roles

Reporting Services installs with predefined roles that you can use to grant access to report server operations. Each predefined role describes a collection of related tasks. Use SQL Server Management Studio to view the set of tasks that each role support. We recommend that the predefined roles and their related tasks are kept unchanged. Refer Microsoft documentation for more information on the pre-defined roles in Reporting Services >>.

The predefined roles that will be used in IFS Reporting are; Content Manager, Publisher, Browser and Report Builder. In addition to this we need a new role with permissions only to view reports. This is described in the next section.

Create New Role

For IFS Reporting we need one additional role in the Reporting Server. This new role should only have access to view reports and should be attached to the Report Viewer user group for the Dashboards and Published Reports folders. This is further described in the Configuration Report Manager page.

To create a new role:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your server.
  2. Expand the Report Server node.
  3. Expand the Security folder.
  4. Right-click on Roles and then click New Role
  5. Type the name Viewer for the role.
  6. Type a description, e.g., May view reports
  7. Select only the task View Reports
  8. Click OK

Update Site Settings

The site setting security page controls access to the report server site. System role assignments exist outside of the scope of the report server namespace or folder hierarchy. Operations that are supported through system role assignments include creating and using shared schedules, using Report Builder, and setting default values for some server features.

A default system role assignment is created when the report server is installed. This system roles assignment grants to local system administrators permissions to manage the report server environment. All other users who requires access to Report Builder must also be assigned to a system role assignment. This implies that all user groups, Report Administrators, Report Publisher and Report Viewers must be assigned to a system role to be able to use Report Builder. A system administrator must execute the the steps below.

Edit site security settings for user groups

  1. Click the Site Settings link and select Security
  2. Click New Role Assignment
  3. Enter group ReportAdministrator and select the System Administrator role.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat step 2-4 for ReportPublisher and ReportViewer but select the System User role for these user groups.

Change Security for Preinstalled Folders in Report Manager

The contents page in Report Manager shows the items that you have permission to view. Depending on the permissions you have, you may also be able to move, delete, and add items.

The security settings that are set on the root folder, Home, gets inherited to subfolders. During Reporting Services installation the Administrator will be given the Content Manager role.

If you have created the user group according to the security description, you should update the security settings on the Home folder according to the following description:

User Group Role(s)
Report Administrator Content Manager
Report Publisher Publisher, Browser, Report Builder
Report Viewer Browser

To add a New Role Assignment

  1. In the root folder, click Folder Settings
  2. Click New Role Assignment to open the New Role Assignment page, which is used to create additional role assignments for the current folder.
  3. Type the name of a group account for which the role assignment is being created, e.g, Report Viewer. The group  must be a valid windows domain account. Enter the account in this format: <domain>\<account>
  4. Select the role(s) that respective user group should have. i.e., for Report Publisher select, Publisher, Browser and Report Builder.
  5. Repeat step 2-5 for each user group.

Edit Folders in Report Manager

The role assignments for the new created folders will be inherited from the parent level which implies that Report Publishers will be connected to the Publisher, Browser and Report Builder roles and Report Viewers will be connected to the Browser role. However the role assignment for Report Viewers should be changed from Browser to Viewer. The reason for this is that Report Viewers should access Published Reports and Dashboards from IFS Applications and not from Report Manager.

Edit Role Assignment for the New Folders

  1. In the Dashboard folder, click Folder Settings and then on the Security page.
  2. Click Edit Item Security. You will get a message saying that the item security is inherited from a parent item and a confirmation message asking whether you want to apply other security settings. Click Ok.
  3. Click on the Edit link for Report Viewer user group.
  4. Deselect the Browser role and select the Viewer role instead.
  5. Click Apply
  6. Repeat steps 1-4 for the Published Reports folder.